
Monday, May 2, 2016

Gecko feet

                              Gecko Feet

(Gecko Feet)
Gecko feet can rotate the opposite way of people hands.Gecko's have million's of tiny hairs on their toes that makes the gecko stick on anything.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

shark skin

                            Making stuff smarter 

(shark skin)

Shark skin
Shark skin is called scales but the scientific name for shark skin is called sharklet. Shark skin is a material that fight things like diseases.The shark skin slows the germs from spreading around.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Technology as friend or foe

My opinion of technology is friend because it makes it faster and safer for the army to see other states

Here is a image of a drone that is use in the army.This is a image of a army drone firing a missile.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Question 4

How does social media help people to communicate?
It help people to communicate by talking to far away family. Also to talk to friend.

Question 3

What are some of the cons of blogging? One is trying to get gadgets. Also trying to get veiw on your blog.

Question 2

what are some of the pros of blogging? One pro is to add fun things into your blog. Another pro is geting a lot of veiws on blogger.

Question 1

Name two components of a blog?